Serge Dahan, President of B’nai B’rith Europe, was elected Vice-President of Crif, the Representative Council of French Jewish Institutions, at the meeting of the Crif Board of Directors, held in Paris on Monday, March 28 2022.
Serge Dahan thanks the Presidents of the BBE lodges and BBI leaders for their messages of congratulations;
Congratulations message from Dan Mariaschin, BBI :
“Dear Serge, Mazal Tov and best wishes on your election as Vice President of the CRIF. It is a great honor and an expression of the respect of the French Jewish community. I wish you much success and good health in the exercise of your new functions, with my best wishes, Dan “
Congratulations message from Charles Kaufman, BBI:
“Dear Serge, I am very happy and proud to learn that you have been elected Vice President of CRIF. The French Jewish community has chosen a leader of the highest caliber, with the passion, knowledge and energy to represent the community at such a crucial time. All of us at B’nai B’rith are proud of you. Yasher Koach! Chuck Kaufman “
Congratulatory message from Seth Riklin, BBI President:
“Hi Serge, I just heard the news of your election to the CRIF. It is great to see your leadership qualities recognized and rewarded. Best regards, Seth.”