In response to the Ukrainian crisis B’nai B’rith Europe, together with HIAS Europe and ECJC, organized a 1.5 day seminar on how to welcome refugees into new communities. The training took place from the 15th to the 17th of June 2022, in Brussels, Belgium. ...
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In response to the Ukrainian crisis ECJC, EJC and HIAS organized a two-day seminar on how to welcome refugees into new communities. The training took place from the 29th of March to the 31st of March 2022 and was organized ...
Read MoreOn the 24th of February 2022, Russia began a military invasion of Ukraine, in a major escalation of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict that had begun in 2014. It is the largest military conflict in Europe since World War. B’nai B’rith Europe ...
Read MoreSince 2001, B’nai B’rith Kyiv and B’nai B’rith Leopolis successfully holds the project of giving high quality food and medication to the elderly, lonely, poor, disabled, socially unprotected Jews, Nazi Victims, as well as the Righteous Among the Nations (people ...
Read MoreIn the late nineties we sponsored new furniture for the Jewish old Age home in Sofia. In 1998-99 we helped finance a bone marrow transplant for a child who suffered from leukemia. The transplant was done in Jerusalem at the ...
Read MoreThis project has been running since 2002. Two volunteers from the Bucharest B’nai B’rith Lodge (Forum Dr. Moses Rosen), together with the local Jewish social services, made a list of needy, old and sick Jewish people. These people live alone ...
Read MoreThe Norway Norgeslosjen Lodge has provided financial support to the Jewish kindergarten in Oslo, as well as to the Pierre Gildesgame football tournament for a few years now. This year, 2018, the tournament was hosted in Oslo. The tournament is ...
Read MoreDuring last summer’s Gaza conflict, the B’nai B’rith Europe executive committee organized a Solidarity trip to Israel. As part of the program, organized by Alan Schneider, Director of BBI World Center Jerusalem, the participants visited several small towns and Kibbutz ...
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