The ninth BBE Talks conference took place on the 26th of October 2021. The topic of it was the French-speaking community in Israel – Stakes and Integration. President Serge Dahan initiated the conference giving a few words about B’nai B’rith Europe. President of the Tel Aviv Lodge – Joseph Wybran, Emmy Wybran, followed with sharing her challenging story that brought her to the opening of a Lodge in Israel, named after her late husband. Right after, Jacques Attali, talked a bit about the project in Sderot, also giving insight on many other ongoing activities the Lodge Joseph Wybran is busy with. President of Elie Wiesel Lodge of Tel Aviv, Lison Nadjar, gave everyone an overview of her Lodge’s work and what it is like being part of the French-speaking community in Israel. The plan of action presented by her, with the aim of developing cooperation between the French speaking Lodges of BBE and the Lodges in Tel Aviv can only be a successful one and B’nai B’rith Europe applauds it. Serge Dahan concluded the conference.