The national culture commission of B’nai B’rith France organized a large exhibition on the theme “France and the contributions of Jewish cultures from 1791 to the present day”. After several months of work, the inauguration of the exhibition took place Wednesday, September the 11th 2019, at the town hall of the 16th arrondissement of Paris in the presence of many elected officials and officials of Jewish institutions in France.
Through this exhibition, B’nai B’rith France wanted to testify to the fidelity and commitment of the French Jews to France and the Republic and to honor many of these French Jews who have left their mark on the history and destiny of our country. This fidelity and commitment that have never been lacking have contributed to the history of our country, its successes and its influence. This exhibition of pedagogical and educational virtues is open to all citizens, as a testimony and an illumination of our history and our common values, which are the basis of the unity and strength of our society. After being presented in Paris, this exhibition will be traveling in 2020 and will tour in many regions. A partnership with another great Jewish institution has gone to bring this spread across the country together.