The Yom HaShoah commemoration was implemented by the State of Israel in memory of the Shoah victims and the heroes of the Jewish resistance during the Second World War.

Yom HaShoah is the chosen date for the public and continuous reading of the 76,000 engraved names on the Wall of Names at the Shoah Memorial in Paris. 

On the 11th of April 2018, President of B’nai B’rith Europe Serge Dahan was invited to participate at the reading of the victims’ names of the 71st Convoy, to never forget the names of each man, woman and child deported, which are part of our duty of remembrance.

“Without the hawker and his like in wickedness, his innumerable peers from Germany and elsewhere, there would not have been gas chambers, German death chambers that an amiable inscription called rooms of showers, the German chambers whose dead bodies or in agony were then pushed into German ovens by congeners still alive, soon in turn gassed, and sometimes even, for pleasure, blithely thrown in the German ovens by blond booted athletes, dear to the haters of Jews.

Without the hawker and his like in wickedness, his innumerable peers from Germany and elsewhere, there would not have been, liberation ways, the long chimneys of the crematoria, German chimneys from where without truce came out, with the yellows and red-haired German flames, the fumes of my sacrificed people, black plumes rising to the sky, with their stench that God did not smell, funeral incense of a great people, the most faithful, the most suffering, the most killed and the most hated, and it is a glory and a praise to be so hated by the wicked and by the vile”  

O Humans, My Brothers (Albert Cohen)