The third BBE Talks conference took place on the 13th of October. The topic of it was the history, life and future of Jewish communities in Slovakia. President Serge Dahan initiated the conference giving a few words about B’nai B’rith Europe. A member of Tolerancia Lodge of Slovakia, Tomas Stern, presented a bit about the history of Bratislava’s Jewish community, followed by a presentation of the Tolerancia Lodge, by the President of the Lodge, Peter Werner. Historian Milan Kolcun talked about the history of the Jewish community in Kosice and the Vice President of Lodge Concordia, Roman Gajdoš offered an overview of the work of the Lodge in Kosice. The key note speaker of the conference, Grigorij Mesežnikov then tackled the main topic of the event – Jewish communities in Slovakia as a whole. Conclusions on the third BBE Talks conference were brought by the President of B’nai B’rith Europe, Serge Dahan.