Alongside many other things, NOA has also started a training series – Train the Trainers – at the end of April of this year. Led by the trainers of CEJI – A Jewish Contribution to an Inclusive Europe, the ‘Overcoming Antisemitism TTT’ has trained two new cohorts of educators, one in English and one in French.
The first training was held in English, between the 25th and 28th of April 2022, in Budapest, Hungary and the second training was held in French, between the 20th and 23rd of June 2022, in Brussels, Belgium.
The trainings offered a comprehensive approach to address antisemitism in its many manifestations and across a variety of social sectors – youth, schools, sports, interfaith spaces, civil society and public authorities. It is rooted in a pedagogical process which has been proven effective for anti-bias training.
These new trainers throughout Europe will now be equipped to collectively reach 1,000 people during the NOA project and remain an anti-bias resource for the long-term. The training and manual are based upon the two-times award winning project Belieforama, focusing on educational approaches to change biased attitudes and discriminatory behaviors in order to create inclusive and equitable environments.